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How does diving improve Heart Rate Variability?


Is there a connection between diving and heart rate variability?

Diving and heart rate coherence are related in that scuba diving can help improve the regulation of breathing and heart rate, which are key components of heart rate coherence. The process of heart rate coherence involves the following steps:

  1. Finding one’s own heart rate: This can be done using a heart rate monitor or by placing fingers on the wrist or neck.
  2. Breathing rhythmically: Inhaling and exhaling slowly and steadily, maintaining a specific rhythm.
  3. Synchronizing breathing with heart rate: Inhaling when the heart is in its expansion phase (when the heart beats) and exhaling when the heart is in its contraction phase.

Regular practice of heart coherence can help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, decrease anxiety and depression, enhance heart function, and regulate blood pressure. It is recommended to practice heart coherence daily to reap its benefits. Scuba diving, due to its peaceful and quiet underwater environment, can help calm anxious thoughts and focus on breathing. The regular and deep breathing induced by the regulator during diving can also assist in synchronizing breathing with heartbeats, contributing to improved heart coherence.

Heart coherence in Bathysmed dives

In general, the water pressure and the resistance of the regulator (although modern regulators are very flexible and comfortable) force the diver to breathe more deeply and less rapidly. However, this rhythm may not be naturally achieved by beginner divers due to a lack of technique, slight stress, and/or challenging diving conditions.

The exercises in the Bathysmed protocol, starting from the first level of training, target the diver’s respiratory quality, coupled with bodily and mental relaxation. Coherence cardiaque is thus strongly emphasized during Bathysmed dives to help the individual achieve a state of psycho-physical calmness.

Bathysmed has frequently measured, using specific devices, the heart rate curves of divers during Bathysmed training dives. A significant decrease in heart rate is evident, as shown in this graph.

How does diving improve Heart Rate Coherence?

In this regard, the specific sequence of exercises performed on an athlete allows the heart rate to drop to 31 beats per minute (BPM) from an average rate of 60 BPM during the dive.

How does diving improve Heart Rate Coherence?

Another test curve conducted with a sedentary person shows that the addition of 3 Bathysmed demonstration exercises quickly leads to a regulation of the heart rate.


On a general note, the sequence of Bathysmed exercises consistently regulates the heart rate downward, impacting the entire dive and extending into the hours that follow. These exercises provide the diver with techniques to apply physiological calming both underwater and in their everyday life, offering tangible benefits.

If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to let me know!

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